Busoga has consistently recorded the highest annual number
of teenage pregnancy cases in Uganda over the past three years. Uganda
Demographic and Health Survey(UDHS) report released early this year and said
the region registered 46,337 cases in 2021,an increase from 44,227 in 2020 and
45,120 in 2019.Kamuli and Luuka districts reported the highest number of
teenage births for the years 2020 and 2021 respectively according to the UNFP
This number has come to rise due to Covid 19 pandemic which
led to the closure of schools making girls idle hence it was easy for the to
get pregnant. The outbreak of covid 19 also led young girls in rural areas to
have challenges accessing family planning and health facilities for example
transport challenges to reach the facilities. Increased poverty has led to the
rise of early teenage pregnancy because parents cannot afford to pay school
fees for there children for school hence they are exposed to sexual habits
where they become pregnant in the process. There is also early forced marriages
done by parents which has led to teenage pregnancies.sexual violence where by the teenagers are raped,sexually
abused by the people around them or relatives which has led to rise of teenage
pregnancies.parental neglect or failed parenthood and this is seen in a case of Alice Nabirye' s mother who informed her older children that she didn't have
money to look after them upon the death of their father in 2018.Nabirye was
only 15 years old .A 19 year old man in the neighborhood offered to
occasionally provide some basic needs and used to to sleep with Nabirye in
order to pay back his money which resulted to Nabirye getting pregnant at
16years of age and yet the man couldn't take care of his family.
According to daily Monitor, the research conducted between
2019 and 2020 indicates that Busoga region registered as many as 89,347 teenage
pregnancies followed by Too to and Bunyoro at 57660 and 57,295 respectively
hence Busoga region has the highest number of teenage pregnancies in the
country and they attributed the alarming levels of teenage pregnancies in
Busoga region to Covid 19 pandemic,poverty.poor parenting.moral
degeneration. Failed parenthood and vulnerability of girls.According to the
report, teenage pregnancy has stagnated over years at 25percent despite the
interactions to put in place and address sexual and reproductive health issues
for young people.
Another reference is Dr.Betty Kyadondo,the director of
Family Health National Population Council who said since 2018 to date, the country has registered about
350,000 cases of teenage pregnancies across the country with Busoga topping the
list and it is said 350,000 teenage pregnancies occur annually nation wide and
30,000 young girls aged between 13 and 19 are getting pregnant early month
implying that 10,000 girls are getting pregnant everyday
which is so worrying.
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